Sad Times

Its been ages since anything has been written…………………… We were sad, Penny had to make the one way trip to the vet in June and mum was very sad. Penny managed to get to 15 and 9 mths, but she wasnt right and mum decided that it was time to do the decent thing. It was hard but it was for the best , mum didnt want Penny to suffer and go so downhill that she didnt have a good life. So mum took Penny to the beach for a good paddle and next day they went to the vet people. It took a while to realise she wasnt on the sofa when we got back from the walk, but we know that it was for the best.34962828_10214677320478313_2733842203976663040_o

Since all that happened, the weather has been so hot we didnt get to go outside as mum said we might get sunstroke, mum shut the curtains to keep us in the shade. Mum had a good idea to keep us safe and cool in the car, mum took loads of ice packs with us when we went out and put them under our tummies when we we in the car, she also got a nice thing to put over the window to keep the sun out.

Mum took loads of pics of us at the beach and at our fav cafe, the Inversnecky….we get a nice drink of water there.

Mum has been knitting blankets for rescue dogs, we would quite like them for our bed, but mum says we have enough.

We are away for a snooze now, there is chicken in the fridge, hope its for us…..well, we can dream.

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